Please Credit the following people when using this resource. I do not plan to add compatibility for any of them. This resource is not compatible with Essentials v19.1, v18.1, v17.2, v16.2, or any other older version of Essentials. If you are looking for scripts and sprites for content from Pokemon: Legends Arceus and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, consider checking out the Generation 9 Resource Pack.

Added EBDX's Bitmap Wrapper to scale sprites in code with no hassle.Icons for all Items from Gen 1 - 8 (including IoA, CT and BDSP).HD version of all the cries (regular and fainting) for all Pokemon from Gen 1-8 (including IoA, CT and BDSP).Overworld Sprites for all Pokemon from Gen 1-8 (including IoA, CT and BDSP), formatted to work with v20.1 and Following Pokemon EX.Separate set of battler sprites for all Pokemon from Gen 1-8 (including IoA, CT and BDSP), formatted to work with Elite Battle: DX.Static Battler Sprites and Icon Sprites for all Pokemon from Gen 1-8 (including IoA, CT and BDSP), formatted to work with v20.1.This makes creating a fangame with the latest Generation of Pokemon extremely simple and completely plug-and-play. This resource fixes that, by providing these missing graphics and audio, all formatted for Essentials v20.1. However, these updates cannot be used on their own, because there are no corresponding graphics and audio for them in Essentials by default. Essentials is now in line with BDSP, in terms of game mechanics.

Essentials v20.1 brings PBS and scripts for mechanics all the way till Generation 8.