Rise of kingdoms book of covenant
Rise of kingdoms book of covenant

VIP Shop Chests – as mentioned, they are very expensive, but if you are looking to get the Book of Covenant alongside some golden commanders, it might be your way to go. From very expensive ones like the VIP Shop Chest all the way to the very tedious ones such as farming barbarian forts. Ways of getting the book of covenant vary a lot in Rise of Kingdoms. Different ways of getting the book of covenant in the Rise of Kingdoms? Farming barbarian forts like crazy and purchasing the Rise Of Kingdoms Book Of Covenant with all of the gems that I would get. While I’m out here giving you good advice on what to do, in my beginner (noob) days I must admit I took the harder way. Regardless of what you choose to do, the best time to buy the Book Of Covenant is during the “More than Gems” event. If you’re impatient and willing to spend money, this is the place where you can invest your gems. Just from level 24 to level 25 you’ll need 5000 Books of Covenant. As the time goes one, your need for the required amount is going to exponentially increase.

rise of kingdoms book of covenant

Well it’s quite straight forward all you have to do is to start destroying forts as much as you can.

rise of kingdoms book of covenant

The key aspects we’ll be talking about are: Castle upgrade Requirements, Cost of castle upgrades, and the fastest way of getting the Book of Covenant. Think of it as a combination of my personal in-game experience and some general rise of kingdom tips that are publicly available. With that being said, this guide is going to focus on Castle upgrades. This is important because if you have a Castle at level 25, you can then upgrade your academy to the same level, meaning that you can start researching your tier 5 troops. Keep in mind that you need to be active every single day just to upgrade your Castle to level 25. Upgrading Castle is a pretty long (and painful) process that will require a lot of time and dedication.

rise of kingdoms book of covenant

4.1 Okay, but what does this mean for me?

Rise of kingdoms book of covenant